BR Beauties
Brand Design
Visual Identity


BR Beauties is an aesthetics studio in Texas created by a Brazilian professional. The idea behind her project is to offer a humanized and personalized service to different audiences, including men, women and teenagers who are looking for a non-invasive aesthetic service to treat their facial skin.

The Challenge

For the creation of the BR Beauties brand, a number of factors were taken into account, including different ones, where culture and belief were very important for the result of this project. But when it comes to Brazil, diversity is the keyword, breaking all “preconceptions”! Addressing groups of different ages and genders, thinking about their distinct and totally particular needs.


Foi escolhida a costela-de-adão como grafismo (não símbolo) pois ela ajuda e muito no reforço da diversidade de gênero. Por ser uma planta de folhas mais evidentes e robustez, ela é mais neutra, conseguindo englobar diferentes pessoas (diferente de uma flor, por exemplo).

Junto à folha, incrementei com uma forma circular geométrica para acompanhar a paleta de grafismo da marca. Contribuindo para o tropical, junto a folha, ele pode ser sempre enfatizado com o amarelo trazendo mais destaque para as cores mais calmas.

Graphic x Symbol

The monstera deliciosa was chosen as a graphic (not a symbol) because it really helps to reinforce gender diversity. As it is a plant with more evident leaves and robustness, it is neutral and is able to include different people (unlike a flower, for example). Next to the leaf, I added a circular geometric shape to match the brand's graphic palette. Adding to the tropical feel of the leaf, it could be emphasized with yellow, bringing more prominence to calm colors.

The Brand

For the visual look, the attributes of the brand personality were considered, contributing to identification. The words chosen to represent this personality were:

Strong, calm, delicate and sensitive.

Let's work together!